Women’s Day Celebration
IEEE - WIE CRCE first offline event after the pandemic to celebrate International Women's Day.
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The Fr.CRCE Student Branch of IEEE was established in 1995 with the initiative of our Vice-Principal Prof. B. R. Prabhu.
Be essential to the global technical community and be universally recognized for the contributions of technology in improving global conditions.
IEEE's core purpose is to foster technological innovation and excellence for the benefit of humanity.
WIE-CRCE is an affinity group of IEEE which is the world’s leading professional association for the advancement of technology.
WIE-CRCE aims to inculcate the importance and advancements related to technology and social issues to women to make them whole as an individual with a firm technical background.
This chapter organizes the talk of eminent personalities from various fields to celebrate Women’s day.
To facilitate the recruitment and retention of women in technical disciplines globally.
To inspire, engage, encourage, and empower IEEE women worldwide.
IEEE-CRCE Council organizes acitivites like technical quiz, workshops, session, competitions and debates. It help the students to become acquainted with the industry which is not provided by the university syllabus.
IEEE - WIE CRCE first offline event after the pandemic to celebrate International Women's Day.
A session with gynecologist for busting myths about periods, PCOD, PCOS, and female hygiene.
A session about the industrial trends and demands that people make from the industry and how it can be fulfilled.
Thank you for your interest in IEEE-CRCE. If you would like to contact us please email/whatsapp/call one of the following people.